Thursday, March 15, 2012


     My purpose in this blog is to provide another source besides news for whomever wants one. To provide more information then news. To challenge one and promote critical thought on topics especially those of controversy. It is also to state my opinion of topics that relate to all of us in one way or another. I do not presume to have answers, only conclusions of information I have at any given time. Any comments made are hopefully to further information or raise other points in an effort to come to a solution or point. Debating is only for the mature. Please ensure your comments are just that, mature.
     If wisdom is using the knowledge you have properly, than in order to have wisdom you have to have the knowledge first. In order to have knowledge, we must not only educate ourselves on topics but be aware of the arguments about it. We must also form opinions from the information at hand, but information can be a constantly changing thing even for a single issue. So you have to keep an open-mind in the sense that you are willing to consider points that may counter your beliefs or formed opinions. This is how we know our beliefs on something are the truth. When two views are presented, you may side with one because of flaws with the other. Yet, if you never consider the other how do you know what you believe to be truth? I seek to voice information and my opinion as it currently stands. I hope you are furthered by these writings and challenged to explore yourself. I'll try to be writing once a month at least, but you never know when I could find a reason to write. 

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